
Quality / Environment


We are a benchmark company in the offset printed cardboard packaging sector, driven by the desire to guarantee the fulfilment of customers’ expectations through the quality of our products and services.

* ISO 9001
* FSC®
* ISO 12647 ProcessStandard Offset
* ISO 27001 (R&D)
* BRC Packaging



To us, environmental responsibility is to care for the safety of operations and develop actions to balance our activities and the well-being of the workforce and the communities.

We endeavour to grow contributing to a sustainable development by improving our products and processes, increasing energy efficiency, training and participating in ecosystem conservation and preservation projects.
We continuously invest in research to develop processes and products that contribute to rationalize the consumption of natural resources. We emphasize our commitment with renewable energies using solar panels.
We modernized our processes to increase energy efficiency by reducing the emission of polluting gases and keep encouraging the rational use of energy.
We contribute to reduce our ecological footprint. All the water consumed at GI is purified and used in reusable glass bottles. As a result, we can reduce the environmental impact inherent to distribution, production and waste packaging.


Currently, we contribute with the direct shipment of over 2,000 tons of paper, cardboard and cartonboard for a “safe and sustainable” circular economy. Our production process generates 20% waste in terms of raw materials, so the logical step was to invest in creating the conditions to reuse this material in the production of new paper, cardboard, cartonboard. We invested in an industrial pipeline suction system for the scrap of paper that directly connects the machines to compactors/containers allowing its collection by a certified company, making it possible to be used in manufacturing new paper. We have invested a great deal in the automation of the whole process of collecting scrap of paper.

“The circular economy is a vital part of
the production of new cardboards“

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+ 351 234 630 400 [1]


[1] Call to national landline
[2] Call to national mobile line


Rua da Indústria, 450 – Covão
3750-883 Valongo do Vouga * Portugal

